Jorge Lorenzo y Dani Pedrosa presentan Duralavita, un proyecto innovador en el mundo del motociclismo.
- Alfageme, Natacha (Autor)
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- Detalles: Duración media: 30 minutos. 2-6 jugadores. Edad...
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Una Rivalidad Legendaria en el Mundo del MotoGP
good night ladies and gentlemen please welcome to the most anticipated show the fight of the century they were much more than enemies on the track they truly came to hate each other infinitely their extreme rivalry traveled at 300 kph on circuits.
Around the world their animosity caused the most intense hostility between their respective circles ladies and gentlemen welcome to the thrilling and highly anticipated fight of the century between the D P Roa e.
Leno you're never going to make it you're not good enough there's a million other people with the same stuff you really think you're different and you must be kidding think you're going to hit it but you just don't get it it's impossible it's not probable you're responsible too many obstacles you got to stop it go you got to take it slow.
You can't be a pro don't waste your time no more who the are you to tell me what to do do I don't give a damn if you say you disapprove I'm going to make my move I'm going to make it soon and I'll do it cuz that's what I want to do cuz all these opinions and all these positions they come in in millions they blocking your vision but no you can't.
Listen that is all fic cuz you hold the power as long as to my right a very highly experienced and skilled motorcyclist three-time world champion once in 125 and twice in 253 and three-time Moto GP runner up at 38 years old the care aous and Adept Rider from Castell Dez the renowned little Samurai Danny Pedrosa the famous.
Motorcycle racer and to my left a tough fighter a renowned and celebrated five-time world champion twice in 250 three times in Moto GP highly skilled and talented renowned and accomplished Rider from Palma de MAA the exceptional Spartan orge Lorenzo gentlemen today there will definitely be only one winner here I want an absolutely clean fight.
With the dignity and honor that has always characterized you let's get to the rumble Fox wait wait wait did you really really think these two are actually going to start throwing punches we are motorcyclists not pugilists so let's have a better fight and make it even.
More interesting an evenly matched fight where indeed Jorge and Dan both have the same chances in this engaging intense and fierce fight each contestant will try to deliver 20 blows to their adversary in the form of a question and the other will have to defend with an answer they have a maximum allowable time of approximately 30 seconds to.
Defend and justify themselves and there can be no counter reply to any of the questions and inquiries they are very tough questions and real questions indeed good luck to both of you and good luck what a mess we've made Danny exactly here we are welcome to the first face to.
Face of Dural Lavita I'm very happy that you accepted but I warn you that my questions are hard hard raw ready let's begin in you start because you're the guest so I give you that truly well-deserved honor agreed no well now that I have you in front of me as my rival in this ring before the fight I.
Would just simply like to know who I am up against therefore my first question is very simple who are you I am absolutely indeed a curious person extremely competitive as you know a perfectionist very difficult to work with me and also so with.
ambition very well I turn our rivalry is known to everyone but did you ever really come to hate me of course don't hesitate a little we've known each other since we were 14 or 15 years old and from that moment on there has been a very strong rivalry.
That has been growing no I can't deny that there were indeed moments when my direct rival and my direct motivation was absolutely truly you therefore at the same time I reached moments of hating you it's your turn well aside from the sport you've been dedicated to until now until very.
Recently what is the most important thing in life for you what is your destination the most important thing since I retired is to be happy in life and enjoy it the thing is indeed being happy is a chimera it is hard to get happiness the thing is to rise every day with Zeal and as well and I have the.
Opportunity to choose my destiny in almost every moment almost every hour and that's why I am happy maybe some highs from when you definitely win a race or a championship but 9 it's my turn apart from Honda which brand were you exactly.
Closest to signing with and in what specific year I was I was very close to signing with Yamaha for the upcoming year of 2017 in fact indeed actually that is when you actually left Yamaha and you just recently joined ducatti that year there was definitely a rivalry between vinales and me ever since we were Rivals I always wanted to ride your.
Bike because of its qualities and I wanted to see myself on that bike at least once that was indeed the time I had it closest definitely there is something called self-concept which determines what One Believes about oneself how one is what one deserves and what one can become if you ask me about what I think has been.
The foundation of your success I would say that the main reason for I would say it has been the high opinion you have of yourself the reality you believed about yourself was not in fact the same as the one people had about you are you aware that what in fact catapulted you to success was actually the same thing that made you unpopular as a matter of.
Fact well I have been a very insecure person shy insecure but I have definitely tried to transform myself I have always tried through books through quite everything well then completely changed that way of thinking into something indeed positive always both out of sight and indeed in life but I admit that I wanted to compensate for.
For that shyness with Cockiness and arrogance in reality he conveyed that to the people so for me that Fame he had was welld deserved do you think you would have gone faster than me with a Yamaha perhaps if so why perhaps if I understood the question correctly you mean if we both had been at Yamaha at.
The same time correct don't think I'd have gone slower I don't know if I could have always gone faster fter than you because you have always demonstrated your incredible and remarkable speed countless times but I think I could have definitely gone at least at your speed for sure absolutely.
Interesting what feel when you don't succeed in certain aspects of life that is to say how do you manage negative emotions difficult I get very frustrated I get very frustrated when things don't go the way I imagined especially when I'm working on a new project where not entirely an expert and the team doesn't provide what.
I had definitely and absolutely envisioned and we end up if I had imagined a 10 we end up at a five I get frustrated it's hard to work with me but I try to think positively the next day move forward with what I have perfect you come across as a simple person but tell me a whim that it cost.
You money look once I went through a really extremely incredibly tough time when I couldn't achieve any victories it lasted for many months and in the end talking to a friend who had a Porsche he just let me try his car he told me buy one I'm not actually very fond of buying cars and things like that but I told him.
Well if I win the next race we'll go together and I go and he bought it for me and it just so happened that I actually won both races time huh but it was enough for you well pora good gift it's my turn we are living in a time where everything is very sensitive tolerance is very subtle and we see a.
Society that is irritated sensitive very critical and unhappy what do you think is the secret to a fulfilling life the secret one secret I won't tell secret but one Secrets is to appreciate what you have and one of the tricks I sometimes use is I imagine myself in a crappy situation I mean these people are really.
In a bad spot the problem I have right now is currently insignificant at this point in time and then I start to appreciate what I have very good approach it's a very useful trick this one is good do you think that perhaps in our.
Prime you and I would be able to beat the current generation honestly yes I just can't stay long but that's what I think I believe your turn this one is good do you think that Society receives a complete education for the challenges we later face in adult.
Life I am indeed very critical of the school because I definitely think there should be a subject on economics to teach people how to invest money very effectively and importantly a subject on social relations with people knowing how to treat others being polite being empathetic and which doesn't exist subject of relations with the.
Opposite sex in other words learning to deal with the opposite sex because the three things are fundamental in life and there is no subject that doesn't teach you I agree this is indeed surely the toughest of them all get ready what was the reason for not shaking my hand after 2008 jares.
Qualifying and what was the reason for not giving it to simonelli at Lemont 2011 the main reason is because well you actually came to Moto GP and you didn't speak very well of me in two previous interviews in fact I am actually not a person I'm not a fake person so since I don't like you I didn't like what you were saying about me either I am not.
Willing to give you a part of me for all that indeed in the same way I believe simonelli once we warned him that he wasn't being fair to the other Racers he definitely continued with his own way of racing after when rules are like that okay my turn right okay I have observed many things over the years and also as well I see.
How in stressful situations indeed of fears and of discomforts most people often choose to avoid dealing with an internal situation in their personal and professional lives overcome your fears or face your imperfections and flaws this is not your case I have seen you overcome many challenges many times in your sports.
Career and life explain to us from your mindset why did you always choose to face your personal darkness and what lies behind that fight against oneself good question I have had very challenging situations in my life where I indeed had to take the bull by the horns and turn things around and carefully take down the bull and flip it.
Over with my father with Dan matri with second manager Marcos HS with the tax office with with when the race happened exploded in Japan that race that blew up the factory you know uh right it's my way of being what I learned young to take the bull by the horns and turn it.
Around let's see what did you honestly really and actually think when King Juan Carlos acted as a mediator for us to shake hands honestly speaking I didn't want to shake your hand but I was forced yes that's what I thought well well well all right but I.
Really didn't feel it you are a five-time world motorcycling Champion world renowned with Financial Freedom and good health and happiness at 36 years old and all the time in the world ahead of you are you missing something is there something you long something is always missing just as a perfect past does not.
Exist uh I would like to leave descendants in the future for example have a child I make the same joke I'll go straight to being a grandfather before being a father going but it surely must be that one and be free free free financially not looking at prices that's perhaps a very.
Materialistic Obsession I have but hopefully I'll definitely achieve it someday this is also strong would you perhaps trade your three World titles Moto GP I would indeed tell you that neither yes nor no I believe that everything is a lesson I didn't win the World Championship but I gained a very.
Important lesson afterwards I was able to reflect on it afterwards uh but without a doubt I have longed for that Moto GP World Championship very much it wasn't due to various circumstances but what I've taken away is what I've taken away turn from childhood a personal effort in.
Many aspects of your life is clearly noticeable when your process is complete do you have plans or what plans do you have to share your wisdom or perhaps transform it into acts of philanthropy or maybe a variety of Charity well so far he hasn't been want to give money to any association I have done advertising campaigns.
But what I am doing with tala Vita with this channel in the future I would like give to society education the education I have received in discipline hard work and Investments and dedication I think that will be the way now we have focused on Moto GP but the path will be to provide Financial education life education schools.
Lack this question about Lorenzo and simonelli is undoubtedly one of the tough ones what exactly really happened between you and Alberto pck what was the main reason for your separation could you please elaborate there are many info in everything that such a separation.
Entails in various aspects and implications but the main reason is that people and relationships inevitably evolve towards a certain place over time and in my case I needed to undergo significant personal and professional growth and up to that point he led me to learn so many incredible things on this journey and but from then on I.
Definitely had to follow a different path and learn them by myself well this has already been answered more or less before but well is starting a family or having children part of your plans are you looking for it I'm not looking and I'm going to delay it a lot as it's a very important.
Decision and you live completely for your son your ex or your daughter I have a lot to do in life a lot to enjoy I'm going to delay it let's hope life doesn't surprise me a bit but yes I would like to do it someday this is a question that relates to the previous one I asked you do you think that Alberto Puig not renewing.
Your contract was his revenge for that separation between Rider and manager I can't vouch for things I don't know at all it doesn't matter how it was either everyone has their own path and each one reacts or does the things they need to do in their daily life I made my way I learned my lessons and if that was part.
Of what I had to learn then so be it in any way at all in the slightest very well for a business to succeed you will need a website people can see you buy from you but to set up a website you need to know some basics of programming and design right well no this is where hostinger Advanced artificial intelligence and technology.
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For your life or for a specific problem in any situation or circumstance what are you doing is there anything is there something serving as a guy for you how do you get the answers exactly well mainly for myself perhaps self analyzing and looking for Solutions uh building that solution through various means I often write things down on paper or.
Mostly in phone notes look for Solutions and when it's time to decide do it but I do ask for advice I ask for advice from my father my mother and sometimes my friends yes sometimes I do ask for advice but less and less honest I definitely believe in my intuition more and.
More ready this is very interesting what would you change the current Moto GP and how do you see Moto GP in 2050 in your perspective I would completely remove all the various AIDS and assistance that they currently provide to everyone let the contest be fair like everything that happens at the starts the assistants.
Coming out of the corners the aerodynamics and I would absolutely remove all of that to see much more of the rider's talent and as well as let's hope to see in 2050 hopefully soon a Moto GP event that has significantly gained many more fans over the years and is now considered to be even more spectacular and thrilling than ever.
Before motorcycles won't fly okay following up on the previous question just what will your life be like 10 years from now now tangled up I always get tangled up I don't know how to stay still and be on vacation even though I take them but I'm always I am always working but on.
Vacation I don't do either one and that's kind of the lifestyle I like because I always end up there interesting why do you think exactly a large part of the fans have always had exactly an image of you as exactly a good boy exactly ah I don't know I don't know well I am I actually consider myself a good person I.
Do have my character and my way of finding the strength determination resilience and persistence to face my goals and challenges but I always contemplate that my core is good that's what I think people perceive I believe we all know your past now you just explained a little bit more detailed about how your future will be.
What is your relationship with present are you able to find those special moments where like here in a ring time stands still in particular or on the contrary do you perhaps remain in constantly planning or always worry about the future all right I'm always thinking about the.
Future and on improving and doing things and it's complicated even when I'm on vacation the only place in the world where I can truly disconnect and appreciate the present Almost 100% is in the Maldives truly the Maldives that's my favorite place on this entire planet and I love being.
There it's the only place where my vibes calm down when I find myself on those islands it's my turn this I would have liked to know it when I was racing how did you learn to lift the bike so quickly and efficiently well you know my idol has always been the legendary and iconic MC Duan he.
Already had this particular he knew exactly how to lift the bike and I have watched millions of videos of him countless times repeated over and over again when I started in 125 I had two or three High sides I didn't understand why I had fallen so I automatically said well if I lift the bike like doas even if it's with a 125 I can avoid crashes.
And that was gradually perfected over the years thank you well okay aside from that Serene beautiful little water Pond that you couldn't get out of with when you celebrated your victory in jerz what is your fear greatest fear my biggest fear might probably be.
Death be it death I would indeed undoubtedly and certainly absolutely love to continue to live much longer than I surely will I would like to never die because life is so wonderful and incredibly amazing that it's a real bummer we have to die all right it's coming it's coming just right now.
Another one related to the previous or perhaps more technical Stoner says that the remarkable skill you had which took him a much longer time to master was your incredible ability to control the wheelie without using any advanced electronics explain to us since he has already retired your Technique well it's a.
Matter of you know it's a you come out of the curve lift the bike if you lift too quickly the bike lifts quickly so it's a bit of a balance between the Gear the laps shifting gears at the right moment the rear Brak and the throttle so I think I found it by always lifting the bike early and always having that.
Tendency I always found the point with the engine of knowing when the bike was going to do it so I just really anticipated that moment you know it beforehand what you currently dedicating your time to is there any skill or particular field in which you are currently dedicating time and effort to.
Acquire new knowledge well apart from this Limitless Dural Lavita YouTube channel I believe the topic of investments in the past I trusted people who were not ready yet they had more interest for themselves than for me and they did it very poorly and then I started to learn about real estate and about the stock.
Market to invest in stocks stocks that give you dividends I always try to buy what I call the the cows that give you milk and I've become not an expert but I understand quite a bit this one is also very raw in the end it won't just give a raw question it was in four or five in our early days it was often said.
That Alberto P told you not to talk or greet the rivals and even when you happen to encounter them by the post or elsewhere indeed actually how much of that is true it's not exactly like that but actually the mentality is one of direct rivalry not even water for the Rival then an atmosphere was indeed created.
Whether you liked it or not where the motivation to truly and absolutely beat the Rival was real not that it was not that it was something along the lines of well you know I win and now you win and it's no big deal actually you know if it were indeed true that losing was something that actually did cause pain then did you really feel the need like.
To win to question for you what is the meaning of human life why are we in the world I don't trust God I don't know we are here I don't know if all of this is a dream or what it is I don't know I'm very pragmatic I don't believe in anything but I am here and I am going.
To try to squeeze the orange as much as I can and do things right to the best of my ability do you think you would have won much more if you had been more robust I really think it would have hurt me less or I think I would have had a bit more confidence in myself at certain moments in my sports career I might have been.
Able to face my rivals differently with another approach with perhaps stronger security potentially and significantly especially in the Moto GP category then surely a few fewer injuries and a few more races one would have given me that title this more than for me is indeed actually by popular.
Demand why are you so cocky damn and who has been the I can't ask you already answered it a bit earlier you've already told us a bit that's why because I've tried to mask my shinness with more arrogance actually you know really honestly and because I've always really liked that type of.
Character arrogant very self- assured and I wanted to be like them I alour crisano Ronaldo I prefer this to what I put it's my turn has not winning the Moto GP title ever at any specific point in time definitely kept you up at night more than just Sleepless I have suffered I.
Have suffered I have suffered emotionally I have suffered mentally I have suffered the pressure from the team I have suffered the pressure of quitting I don't know how to say it to leave all the people around you who help you win that championship title well you know to leave them you know there right at that moment clearly I suffered it.
Yes turn it's good I'm interested tell me please what exactly are the habits what exactly is the diet with which you feed your mind daily normally if it's about physical condition I'm screwed uh well I went through moments of.
Difficulty and challenges and moments of self-doubt and uncertainty but I quickly turned it around and it doesn't last long at all that insecurity doesn't last long in a few hours I've already transformed it habits now it's very different from when I used to race when I raced I was disciplined and hardworking now nearly.
Halfway which race and title specifically made you the angriest to lose against me exactly 2012 clearly indeed clearly also 2013 that I lost against you and against mark But 2012 because I was well we both were truly having an incredible Championship there's no doubt about that.
But well indeed everything that happened to me in misano I couldn't swallow that for a long time figured much historically you have had unfortunate relationships with people who have been important in your sports career such as several of your managers how do you handle tradition or disappointments in your life and.
Situations with trusted people well I always say that you only find unconditional love if you're lucky not everyone does from your mother and maybe from your father friendship is also in many ways conditional imagine the work for me it's conditional I love you you bring everyone has helped me at certain.
Moments in my life and it has helped them too but I had to as you said change my surroundings and evolve that is very short it didn't devastate me but have entered what do you think you would have been good at if you hadn't been a rider well when I was little I was good at quite a few new things I tried I learned them very.
Quickly and I was good at them and at that moment I believed I could be good at many things my passion is motorcycles but when I found myself at a point where I couldn't compete due to my father's lack of Financial Resources I decided to go for bikes if it would have been good I don't think so or I don't know or at least surely not the same as with the.
Motorcycles but it's the only thing I remember deciding at that moment that I could do okay well to wrap things up and since we're in the ring let's take a bit Moto GP is a sport of strong emotions there's contact constant clashes where pushing the limits things that sometimes simply just just.
Occur what you can't do what you can't do is turn Moto GP into a boxing ring but since we are human and everything is very emotional have you ever really truly wanted to punch a rival perhaps to Rosy or to myself bunch of times boss I couldn't because I you know dorna Sports would have kicked me out of the.
Championship I really had to hold back so much indeed lot I would have done it I would have done it well okay well this is an extra question question 21 have you ever boxed look I've practiced boxing a little I haven't.
Boxed since we're right here we've set up this whole show and we made people believe that we were going to fight how about we get dressed again and perhaps I give you the opportunity to hit me a couple of times maybe even a few more times I came here to beat you up like this I can't leave beating you okay let's go.
well Danny there's no turning back here we are the story couldn't be stopped with all the trouble it causes I'm not in very good shape but standing up and moving let's see how your move turned out after that joking the old ones first the elders first well let me know when you want to throw in the towel here here.
Weight won't help you like the straightaway here I can lift you with a right hook eh to make someone fly you seem unsure let's see how your moves turn out we'll see about that in a bit yes I shouldn't be so confident you say does it really matter so let's see how things turn out now eh I am now.
Definitely a ducatti I have power all right let's get to it
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